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Trying New Foods Without Going Broke

There is such a large world of different food types to try that often you are left wondering how to sample them all without going broke. I love food and have been fascinated by worldwide cuisine since I was a young child as my family travelled a lot. I love to cook new foods at home now, but I hate the cost of all the ingredients. My blog is all about food from around the world, and how to cook it on a budget. From buying spices online to sourcing cheaper cuts of meat, my blog posts will have you cooking up a storm in your kitchen in no time at all.




Trying New Foods Without Going Broke

6 Ways To Jazz Up Generic Waffle Dough

by Brad Sullivan

Buying waffle dough in large batches is a great way to save money, but eating the same waffles over and over again can get a little mundane. Thankfully, there are some ways to jazz up generic waffle dough and give it all new appeal. Here are six such ideas.

1. Add chocolate syrup.

What could be better than vanilla waffles? Chocolate waffles! All you need to do to make chocolate waffles is add about a tablespoon of chocolate syrup for each 1/2 cup of waffle batter. Make sure you use actual chocolate syrup and not jarred chocolate fudge topping. 

2. Add jam.

If you enjoy fruit-flavored waffles, adding jam to your waffles is a great option. Stir in about a tablespoon of jam per 1/2 cup of batter. Raspberry is a great choice, and the waffles taste delicious topped with some chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Strawberry jam is a good choice if you'd like to stick with maple syrup as a topping.

3. Add some butter extract.

Want some extra buttery waffles? You can enjoy this flavor without all of the extra fat if you just add a little butter extract to the waffle batter. About 1/4 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of batter should do the trick. Use a high-quality extract; some of the cheap ones taste really artificial.

4. Stir in peanut butter.

Peanut butter waffles are a treat that will make your mouth water. The secret to making great ones is to warm up the peanut butter before pouring it into the waffle batter so that it distributes evenly. Stir only to create nice swirls throughout the batter. Don't blend it up completely. You can add as much as two tablespoons of peanut butter per 1/2 cup of batter with good results.

5. Make nutty waffles.

Perhaps you enjoy chunky peanuts more than peanut butter. You can use walnuts, pecans, or any other nut you like, too! Just make sure you lubricate the waffle iron well before making your nut waffles, or else the nuts may stick. About 2 tablespoons of chopped nuts per 1/2 cup of batter is sufficient.

6. Make cranberry waffles.

Fresh cranberries don't work well in waffles because they take longer to cook than the waffle itself. However, dried cranberries make for a really delicious creation. Chop them roughly, and add up to 2 tablespoons per half cup. 

With these waffle ideas, your waffles will be anything but boring! To make sure you have plenty of waffle dough to cook with, reach out to suppliers of wholesale waffle dough for a better deal.
